Sunday, March 16, 2014

The day my world shattered

                 They're Gone.

 Words that shatter everything that we thought we knew about life.

                                I still remember the day when i hear those words spoken to me.

                        It was a nice breezy September day.
September 17th.

That was the day, the moment I heard my Mom say words that I hope to never hear again.  

She told me that my Grandpa, 

my best friend 

was gone; 

that he didn't make it.

 After hearing this I felt two of the most conflicting feelings i have ever felt. 

I felt heart crushing sorrow burst inside of me. 

    Followed almost immediately by the most overwhelming sense of peace and love, 

                                   in that moment I knew that he was there with me, and he'd never leave me

            I knew that even though he wasn't here where I could see him anymore, he would always be with me

                                    In the 6 1/2 years since he's been gone I've come to realization that loved ones we've lost, 
aren't really lost at all. 

They are here all around us to guide us and comfort us.  

                                                                             They are never as far as they seem 

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